God's Work and Our Effort

It takes a lot of effort to start a new exercise routine. Sometimes people are not ready, but when they are, it is a beautiful thing to behold. As they learn to move in new ways, you can almost see the pathways expand in their brain and body as they respond to the new impetus. When it clicks, it is pure joy to help that person move better and get stronger.

So let’s look at effort in our spiritual lives. We know that it takes effort to start anything new and to build strong relationships with people in our lives. It’s the same with growing more in tune with God’s will for our lives. We have to give time and effort to God so that he can work in us and through us.


Our Catholic faith teaches us that God responds to our efforts. It might not be in the way we expect, in fact most likely, it will not be our way at all. In faith, we trust that he recognizes even our tiniest desire to give more effort to our relationship with him and with our neighbor — even if our response is slow and weak.

We had a discussion in bible study recently about allowing God to be the pilot in our lives. It seems that many of us were catechized in a way that places us as the pilots with God as the co-pilot — myself included. It is interesting to take this to prayer and ask God to show us where we are depending too much on our efforts, where we are holding back something from him (and why) rather than allowing God to be fully in charge of our lives.

It is good to remember that God is the one who inspires us to make any effort in the first place — and that thought makes me crazy happy. Our effort is the result of cooperating with God’s grace received through the Sacraments, in prayer and scripture study, and in loving and serving others. He is first and we are second. He is pilot and we are co-pilots, no matter what is going on in our lives.

St. Teresa of Avila said, “The feeling remains that God is on the journey too.” 

Do we give God full reign of our efforts on this journey, in all matters, temporal and spiritual? Do we trust that his way, and our effort to cooperate with his grace, will lead us to greater joy, freedom and peace on our journey to eternal life with him?

From the second Letter of Saint Paul to the Thessalonians, 1:11, “To this end, we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and powerfully bring to fulfillment every good purpose and every effort of faith.”

God brings fulfillment to our efforts. He makes our crooked lines straight. He is almighty and all powerful and has our best interest in mind. He love us and doesn’t give up on us — and I pray that we don’t give up on him — no matter what is going on in our hearts, families, parish, community, country or world. 

May we make every good effort to know, love and serve God, using the gifts and talents that he has given us so he can do amazing things with us and through us. Cooperation with his grace is a beautiful thing to behold.

The Power of the One-to-One Encounter

In my group strength classes, every now and then, students are busy traveling or working and only one person shows up for class. That student doesn’t usually like it at first because all of the attention is focused on her. However, it usually ends up being a great session as we talk, laugh and deepen our friendship and understanding of each other.

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It got me thinking about the power of the one-to-one encounter. Having time with that one person is special and is important in building a more authentic and caring relationship. 

How often did Jesus, in the midst of a crowd, have a personal and life-changing encounter one-to-one … like the woman who came up behind Jesus to touch his cloak to be healed, and Zacchaeus the tax collector who climbed the Sycamore tree to have a better view of Jesus, and Nicodemus the Pharisee who came at night to question Jesus about his teachings.

In our daily lives, we are called to a one-to-one encounter with God in the Sacraments and through personal prayer. By giving time and attention to our relationship with God, we receive his grace so we can be Jesus to others. I know that when I’m not attentive to my prayer life, it’s harder to be loving and patient with people amidst the challenges of everyday life.

One of my favorite saint quotes is from St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, “Don’t wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.” Her entire ministry was working one-to-one with the dying and the sick, strengthened by her one-to-one time with God in daily Mass and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Her ministry, and that of the Sisters of Charity around the world, is about the power of being 100% present to that one soul in need. 

I’m blessed to take communion to a hospital and there have been times when only one person has received — for various reasons. At first I was discouraged when people declined the Eucharist, but over time, God has shown me that I’m simply to be his hands and feet and to trust the results to him. He is teaching me to pray more fervently for the sick, to be a joyful and authentic witness to him, and to savor each one-to-one encounter. Even if no one receives, I trust that God will bring about a greater good than I could never imagine.

I was sharing my one-to-one thoughts with a friend recently and she said that in our world of ‘how many Likes on Facebook’ it can be terribly easy to overlook the power of one. Never fear, there might be only one Like, but thanks to the algorithm of Facebook, thousands of people may have seen the post and who knows how it may have impacted that one person!

I remember a priest telling me that he didn’t get caught up in whether people liked or disliked his homily message. He said that he wrote his homilies in prayer, and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and that perhaps the message was meant for just one person; in writing his homilies, he simply desired to be an obedient servant.

So let us try to do what God is calling us to do, trust the results to him, and remember that touching one soul always matters. From 1 Thessalonians 5:11, “Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up, as indeed you do.”

Showing Up for Jesus

I have a new fitness student who joined our strength classes recently. I was so impressed because she attended four classes her first week, despite soreness, nervousness and having to make some adjustments to her work schedule.

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She is showing up and good things are already happening as she is learning, getting stronger, making new friends and having fun.

This parallels the spiritual life. The most important thing is to show up. Show up for Jesus with open hands and open hearts to allow him to lead us on a spiritual journey. How do we do this? Each of are called individually, but a good way to start is to show up with daily time in prayer. Setting aside silent time to talk and listen to Jesus daily is a way we can get to know him, and through this relationship, we learn how to become more like him.

Showing up for weekly, even daily Mass, frequenting the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and saying yes to a weekly Holy Hour are ways we can show up for Jesus.

My new fitness student is seeking to grow stronger and healthier by showing up for strength classes. As Christians, we are seeking to grow stronger and spiritually healthier— and to do that we need to be faithful to nurturing our spiritual lives.

In both big and small acts of charity, in reading Scripture and good spiritual books, by attending holy events and viewing holy television shows, movies, videos and social media, we are showing up for Jesus.

In January each year, more people than ever join gyms in an effort to get fit and lose weight. By March, the tide has dwindled and I always wonder why people don’t stick with it. Perhaps they didn’t find something they enjoyed or it didn’t fit into their work and family schedule. Often motivation wanes and exercise just isn’t a priority anymore.

The same can happen in our spiritual lives. There are times of dryness, perhaps physical or emotional issues that make praying difficult or it feels fruitless. Maybe we are lonely or bored or too tired or time-pressed to pray. Do we give up as well?

Like my new fitness student, we can choose to stick to the schedule. We can show up. Let it unfold. Give it time and trust in the process. We might not feel it or feel like doing it, but it’s on the daily schedule to pray so we do it. We can call on Jesus, Mary, our guardian angel, the saints and our holy earthy friends for help and support in times where we feel like pulling away from a spiritual life. We might need the structure of a weekly prayer or bible study group. Maybe a spiritual director or a holy friend can offer us direction and encouragement, but we have to be humble and ask for help.

My fitness student has me to encourage, teach and help her be accountable to the strength classes. In the spiritual life, we have Jesus who is our strength and our guide, and all the helps of the Catholic Church are available to us when we show up in spite of our earthy circumstances. We are called to cooperate with God’s grace which he constantly pours out to help us; thank goodness we aren’t alone on this spiritual journey!

St. Augustine said, “Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.” May we all keep showing up for Jesus, despite the challenges and struggles, and put our trust in him.


Endurance in sport is cultivated with patience and time, training and conditioning, under the guidance of a good coach.

In the same way, we seek to build endurance in our spiritual lives with Jesus guiding us. Our journey to spiritual maturity is a life-long process of growing in virtue. This quest for holiness requires patience and time, training and conditioning with an unwavering commitment to a sacramental life, prayer, study and service to others. It isn’t easy, but there is no greater goal for the Christian.

Psalm 136 reminds us that God is Endurance as his love and mercy endures forever. He never gives up on us and desires only to bring us closer to him.

Praise the LORD, for he is good;
for his mercy endures forever;
Praise the God of gods;
for his mercy endures forever;
Praise the Lord of lords;
for his mercy endures forever.

We see in the lives of the saints these amazing people who endured temptations, difficulties and trials of every kind. We could use the words ‘saint’ and ‘endurance’ as synonyms since there every saint ended their lives with an enduring love of God and neighbor.

St. Gregory of Nyssa said of endurance, “He who climbs never stops going from beginning to beginning, through beginnings that have no end. He never stops desiring what he already knows.”

When we reflect on St. Gregory’s words, we see that spiritual endurance is just that — going from beginning to beginning — every day, every situation, every conversation, every interaction, literally every moment of every year is a new beginning for us to do what we know we should do — love more fully to become the person God desires us to be on our journey from this world to the next.

St. Margaret Mary Alacoque said, “Let us begin in earnest to work out our salvation, for no one will do it for us, since even He Himself, who made us without ourselves, will not save us without ourselves.”

So we work side-by-side with God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, with the loving intercession of Our Lady, to grow in holiness, to love more perfectly, to forgive ourselves and others, and to share the truth of the Gospel each as we are called.

Just as endurance in sport requires both mental and physical work, there is great work for us to do in the spiritual life. Let us see each day is an opportunity to grow closer to God as we train to have more faith, hope and love. May each day be filled with with training in virtue so that we persevere with love when the going gets tough.

As athletes depend on their coaches, peers, tools and training methods, we too, in the spiritual life, have help  … from the Holy Trinity, our sisters and brothers in Christ, the great Communion of Saints and all that Holy Mother Church gives us so that we can grow and endure with love.

We can be inspired by the subject of endurance in Scripture. From Deuteronomy 31, “Be strong and steadfast; have no fear or dread of them, for it is the Lord, your God, who marches with you; he will never fail you or forsake you.”

We do not run this race alone. God is with us to aid us in this pursuit.

Let us pray: Father God, give us endurance in the spiritual life and help us to trust in the strong and mighty shield of your love which endures forever, Amen.

A Baseball Story

My husband and I enjoy watching professional baseball. This year, we were blessed to attend Spring Training in Goodyear Arizona and we met one of our favorite pitchers. He was staying at our hotel and we met his wife and youngest son relaxing in an outdoor area. This pitcher is a father of five children and is an active Catholic. It was fun to see him interact with his wife and youngest son in a casual setting. He spoke with my husband at length and I was impressed with his kindness and humility. We are so used to seeing him on television that it’s easy to forget that he is a regular guy just like the rest of us.


Recently this same pitcher, at the age of 32, announced that he was diagnosed with Leukemia. His version of this disease is treatable with oral medication, but he’ll be out of baseball for a while. We all deal with family and friends being diagnosed with disease, and facing other hardships, but it still comes as a shock that rocks our world almost as if it’s happening to ourselves. It reminds me how much we are all connected, that we need to pray for each other, and that we should give thanks every single day.

This pitcher makes millions, but money can’t cure this disease for him. Just like the rest of us, he’ll pray, do what his doctors advise, and rely on faith, family and friends to persevere in this challenging time.

I’m sharing this story with you because I think sometimes, even for those of us with strong faith, we can get drawn into things of this world in a way that can separate us from God. I’m not saying the pitcher did this, but his situation really made me think about how money, fame and comfort (at any level) are fleeting, and that we should give thanks to God because it all comes from him.

I am also struck by the fact that this pitcher is a professional athlete who is in top physical condition, spends hours every day addressing his physical health by eating right, training, practicing and doing everything a multitude of coaches tell him to do, but he has no control over his body when it comes to this disease. Our culture places more emphasis on caring for the body than caring for the soul, so when a physical hardship hits, I consider it a blessing that if, by God’s grace, we are made humble and seek a greater reliance on God.

This pitcher has the potential to be an amazing example for us with his public platform. Surrounded by his teammates at the 2019 All Star game he was crying and I was too. Our adult son texted us that he watched and he was moved to tears. It is easy to take our good fortune for granted — whatever it might be — but it can change in an instant. Perhaps God is using this man’s situation to soften our hearts, to harken us to pray more, to move us forward in our mission, and to remind us to let go of material concerns that can drive us away from God.

May we never forget that we are here to live out our God-given mission, to care for those people God has placed in our path, and with great detachment, to enjoy some of what God has created on our journey home to him. The material comforts are a gift, but they do not define us; let us give thanks that we are all children of God.

The World's Greatest Coach

It might seem odd to you, but I often think of Jesus as the World’s Greatest Coach. I teach fitness as you may recall if you’ve read this column for a while. Coaching is a second career for me, so it has been interesting to learn over the last 8 years what makes a good coach. 

To be a coach, teacher or mentor in any field, and in the game of life, one has to first learn from a coach—and I’ve been blessed to learn from some smart and caring fitness coaches. However, there is no greater coach in my life than my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

One of the most important attributes of any good coach is to believe in what you are teaching and to impart that to your students to the best of your ability. When we look to our coach Jesus, we know that he learned from the best; after all, he’s the Son of God, and his Father’s will is his will. He knows exactly what he's doing and why he’s doing it and even stuck to it amidst temptations. He is infinitely qualified and motivated to lead us closer to God so that we can be in heaven with him someday.

Another key to being a good coach is to be a good listener and to respond appropriately to your student’s needs. If one of my students says her knee hurts, and I ask her to do sets of 10 squats, I’m probably not listening to her needs.

We see in Jesus, a coach who is the ultimate listener. We can tell him everything because he knows everything already — and loves us anyway for who we are, not because of what we do. Jesus is listening (and responding) to us every second of the day. This listening is especially profound in the Sacrament of Reconciliation where we vocalize sorrow for our sins and Jesus responds by setting us free from sin.

To be a good coach, one has to believe in their students and persevere in helping them learn. Sometimes we have to work creatively with our students, but there is much joy and satisfaction in helping people do something that doesn’t come easy to them. Sometimes we don’t want to be helped, coached or guided and so this becomes an opportunity to grow in humility.

Isn’t this how Jesus works with us? He loves us, believes in us and works creatively with us to guide us to accomplishing God’s will. While we might get down on ourselves for sinning over and over, or failing to pray, or acting selfishly, Jesus never gives up on us on. In fact, Jesus, his Mother and the saints model and intercede for us to humbly carry on despite life’s difficulties. 

A final attribute I’ll share with you about being a good coach is to encourage consistently healthy habits to support the athletic journey, such as getting plenty of sleep, eating healthy, managing stress/illnesses/injuries, and giving time to developing a healthy spiritual and emotional life. It isn’t possible to see good results in our athletic endeavors if the rest of our lives are totally out of whack.

When we look to Jesus as our coach, we see a loving guide who wants us to be holy and healthy in every area of our lives—not just on Sunday, not just with our church friends, not just when everything is running smoothly in our lives, but also in the little, hidden, everyday activities and when we face big challenges, sufferings, failed plans, health issues and the loss of loved ones. Jesus desires that we live the Gospel message 24/7, in all circumstances, and he’s here with us to make that happen.

Let us close with a prayer to the World’s Greatest Coach. Jesus, thank you for believing is us and coaching us through this difficult thing called Life. Grant us the humility to give you control of every aspect of our lives and for the strength to carry out the unique mission you have each one of us. Amen.

St. Peter the Rock


It is both holy and healthy to reflect on the New Testament readings from daily Mass this Easter season as the apostles are on fire with the Holy Spirit and begin to teach, preach and evangelize freely.

From Acts of the Apostles 4:13-14, “Observing the boldness of Peter and John and perceiving them to be uneducated, ordinary men, the leaders, elders, and scribes were amazed, and they recognized them as the companions of Jesus.”

Peter went from denying Christ to preaching boldly in the name of Jesus at risk of imprisonment and even death. His courageous words challenge us to live and share our faith with others in our daily lives.

It can be difficult to know how to specifically do this in our lives today, but if we stay committed to a daily prayer life and receive the Sacraments as frequently as possible, we might be surprised how God’s grace will work in us to inspire, form, transform, and enliven us with the Holy Spirit to be more fully alive in our faith — and willing to bravely share the Gospel message in the ordinary circumstances of our lives.

I’d like to use the Knights of Columbus as an example. Their humble service in parishes around the world is a beautiful example of being St. Peter-like by serving in many ways in their families, parishes, communities as a result of their relationship with Jesus. 

We are all called to serve and evangelize in different ways — most often the ways are quiet and behind-the-scenes, such as cleaning up after a Fish Fry, adoring our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, making dinner for a sick friend, and even allowing someone to go ahead of us while we are driving, but Jesus sees all and loves all that we do — even the tiny seeds of desire to serve that haven’t sprouted yet do not go unnoticed by our Lord.

It is my hope and prayer that as we move through this Easter season we do so with an uncommon courage and glorious hope in the power of our relationship with Jesus Christ.

St. Charles Borromeo said, “God wishes us not to rest upon anything but His infinite goodness; do not let us expect anything, hope anything, or desire anything but from Him, and let us put our trust and confidence in Him alone.”

Let us spend time in silence to get to know Jesus even better and to open our hearts to what he is asking of us. It matters not whether our time with God involves a walk in nature, listening to spiritual music, reflecting on sacred art, reading scripture, or just sitting quietly in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.

May we take to heart these words from St. Peter the Rock in 1 Peter 3-5: 

“By his great mercy we have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and to an inheritance which is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God’s power are guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.”


I’ve been helping people get physically stronger for nearly eight years. In that time, I’ve gone through a lot of changes in how I teach others and how I train and care for my own body. I’ve watched my students learn and grow. I’ve seen my training program, change, evolve and it continues to do so.

Change is inevitable in all areas of our lives, and it can be good, but sometimes life hits us hard with any number of challenges in family, work and life. On top of that, we are aging and dealing with forms of physical suffering, such as injury, illness and infirmity. In our physical difficulties, we learn about the spiritual power of suffering with love and perseverance—and by God’s grace, we have an opportunity to grow spiritually and to develop more compassion for the hardships faced by others.

Spiritual conversion is similar in that changes occur in us that can be both uplifting and challenging. We may experience many conversions in our lifetime as God seeks to bring us closer to him to help us grow in holiness. Changes, both big in small, by the grace of God, can lift us up, lead us into darkness, move us into new ways of serving, living and doing for God and for others. The changes might surprise us, even frighten us a little, and we may, believe it or not, even have an occasional longing for some sins that we’ve left behind.

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1989: “The first work of the grace of the Holy Spirit is conversion, effecting justification in accordance with Jesus' proclamation at the beginning of the Gospel: "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Moved by grace, man turns toward God and away from sin, thus accepting forgiveness and righteousness from on high.”

Sometimes conversion, or this movement away from sin and toward God, means we change how we use our resources, our time, our energy, and even the people we spend our time with. We might be called to simplify, to give more, to lead or to follow in new ways, to pray more, or to just be more. God works with us so personally that the path of conversion is not predictable nor is it ever universal.


I look to the saints for wisdom on this journey of conversion which we pray continues throughout our lives here on earth. The saints are regular people who had many points of conversion in their lives and grew to great holiness by their gradual, yet eventual submission to God’s will.

Pope Saint John Paul II encourages us. “I plead with you! Never, ever give up on hope, never doubt, never tire, never become discouraged. Be not afraid.”

The fruit of conversion can in fact, be the gift of journeying more fully with and for others. Other times, it can be more of a dark and lonely road like St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta experienced when God didn’t feel near to her — and so we rely on faith to keep moving forward without the clear light of His presence guiding us.


In our physical journey, as in our spiritual journey, there will be changes, conversions, movements, big and small, good and not so good — I pray that we listen to our bodies and respond with prudent care — and more importantly, listen to God, accept and cooperate with his grace with a steely focus on the ultimate goal of eternal life.

St. Padre Pio knows well the struggles we face. “The life of a Christian is nothing but a perpetual struggle against self; there is no flowering of the soul to the heart of its perfection except at the price of pain.”



Wideness is interesting word to ponder in spiritual terms. There is a beautiful hymn called the “Wideness of God’s Mercy” and that hymn inspired me to think about the many ways the Wideness of God can shape our lives.

God’s mercy is so magnanimous that it’s incomprehensible—and yet we are called to that same mercy with each other, 70 x 7 times. To think of the Wideness of God’s mercy as a never-ending, vast stream of love washing over us, healing us, forgiving us and bringing forth new life is a beautiful image that fills me with hope.

Wideness is akin to openness—the openness we are called to with God in prayer— sharing our triumphs and challenges, joys, sins and sorrows—giving him room to work to help us grow stronger. We are also called to live this openness with our brothers and sisters by authentically celebrating and protecting the good in them.

In Luke, 9:11 we see the Wideness of Jesus’ love as, “He received them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and he healed those who needed to be cured.”

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Wideness lends itself to an image of big, outstretched arms welcoming another with a hug and a smile in a spirit of hospitality. May the Wideness of our thanksgiving for each other carry us out of the narrow focus on ourselves. May we instead be poured like a libation into a Visitation frame-of-mind where we live in the Wideness of loving and caring for each other.

Wideness can be giving God the time and space to work in our lives, whether through the Sacraments, in reading Scripture, by adoring him in the Blessed Sacrament, and with prayerful listening for God amidst the activity of family, work and play.

Let us give God the latitude to transform us by inviting him into the great expanse of us … body, mind and soul. May we magnify the Lord by courageously seeking his strength rather than limiting the fullness of God’s plan for us.

Lyrics from “Wideness of God’s Mercy” speak of the majesty of God. “There is grace enough for thousands … For the love of God is broader than the measure of our mind;  And the heart of the Eternal is most kind.” He pours his grace out to us constantly… do we notice and do we respond? 

Let us boldly ask God for the “strength to comprehend with all the holy ones what is the breadth and length and height and depth” giving thanks for the miraculous Wideness of God’s merciful love.

Our Lady of Good Help National Shrine - A Place of Hope and Healing

Lori originally wrote this post for the Columbus Catholic Women’s Conference blog, January, 2019.

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I was very excited to recently learn about the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help located in Champion, Wisconsin, 17 miles north of Green Bay.

This is the site where our Our Holy Mother appeared to a young Belgian-born woman, Sister Adele Brise, 160 years ago in 1859. The apparition was formally approved on December 8, 2010, by Bishop David Ricken, becoming the first Marian apparition approved by the Catholic Church in the United States. In 2016, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) officially designated these grounds as a National Shrine.

The National Shrine is open every day of the year, and welcomed 160,000 visitors last year, and continues to welcome pilgrims from around the world, including Australia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Much like the apparition sites of Lourdes, Fatima and Guadalupe, the National Shrine is the site of numerous miracles and graces to this day.

National Shrine Marketing and Development Director Corrie Campbell said that when people visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help, they experience an “overwhelming peace, healing grace and a heaven-like feeling that can often be quite emotional. Many carry this in their hearts for their entire lifetime. Many young people come and experience the joy of hope and healing in this holy place which is so needed in our times.”

Adele Brise

The story of Our Lady of Good Help began in the Fall of 1859 when Our Holy Mother appeared three times to Sister Adele Brise and asked her to teach the children in the area about their Catholic faith.


Our Holy Mother had already appeared twice to Adele between two trees – one a maple, the other hemlock – along a rural trail. When she appeared for the third and final time, young Adele asked, “What more can I do, dear Lady?” Mary’s direction was simple: “Gather the children in this wild country and teach them what they should know for salvation.”

“But how shall I teach them who know so little myself?” Adele asked.

Mary replied, “Teach them their catechism, how to sign themselves with the sign of the Cross, and how to approach the sacraments; that is what I wish you to do. Go and fear nothing. I will help you.” Adele devoted the rest of her life to spreading Mary’s good news.

The Great Fire

In 1871, there was a great fire in the area and the families that Adele visited gathered at the site of Our Holy Mother’s visits to pray the Rosary for the safety of their community. The fire raged and burned everything around them, but the fire stopped exactly at the line of Shrine location.

The National Shrine Today

Today the National Shrine enjoys the help of 200 volunteers—most of whom had their lives touched by Our Lady of Good Help in some way as many are the great grandchildren of those who experienced Our Holy Mother’s intercession during the great fire.

The National Shrine offers Masses and the Sacrament of Reconciliation and hosts many special events during the year. They recently opened a new prayer and event center. In remembrance of Our Holy Mother’s care during the fire, they host an overnight rosary event on October 8 and 9 with a procession and an an all-night prayer vigil in which the Rosary is prayed every hour, on the hour.

From October 1-9, we are all encouraged to pray the National Novena to Our Lady of Good Help for her intercession. The National Shrine also sponsors a 21-mile walking pilgrimage in the area. Please visit their event calendar for more information.

May we all prayerfully consider making a pilgrimage to this holy and wooded location in Wisconsin to grow closer to Jesus through Our Holy Mother. Our Lady of Good Help, pray for us!

Haste Does't Always Make Waste

It’s funny how the Holy Spirit sends you a thought, inspiration or even just a word that you have to take to prayer to try to figure out how to respond.


For me recently, the word was ‘haste.’ During Christmas, I reflected on ‘haste’ as it related to the Three Kings and the Shepherds as they made haste to meet the newborn King Jesus. Haste can be positive or negative and we see both in Sacred Scripture. 

At the Visitation, we see Mary move with beautiful haste to visit her cousin Elizabeth to care for her and to share her joy of the impending birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus.

In Proverbs 19:2, we see another side of haste: “Desire with knowledge is not good; and whoever acts hastily, blunders.”

We might think of haste in this way—as being rushed, hurried, or that we’ve been negligent or wasting time on something else less important that sets us behind so that we’re forced to respond in a way that is rash or reckless and leads to mistakes.

This could be true. But if we approach haste prayerfully, and in the context of our spiritual lives, haste might be exactly we need to get busy responding to God’s call or to sharing our love of Jesus more openly with others. May we be like the  Samaritan woman who left her water jug behind in her haste to share the news of the Messiah with the people in her town.

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Are we inspired to make haste to attend daily Mass, to meet Jesus in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, to read Scripture, to pray daily, to commit to a Holy Hour, to start something new for God, or to invite others to experience Jesus?

Could haste be the key to getting unstuck from a prayer rut, or out of a spiral of sin or selfishness or feeling reticent because we don’t clearly see the path Jesus is laying out for us? Let us rise up with holy haste to pray, discern, and take some action—even if we start small.

May our haste start with getting to know Jesus better so we an share him with others in whatever way God is calling us. Let us move forward in our life’s mission with courageous haste that bubbles over from a life of prayer and discernment. We’ll make mistakes, but if we stay close to Jesus. and his will for us, he can make our well-intentioned haste work for good.

St. Ursula Ledochowska (foundress of the Ursulines of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus) urges us onward, “You must never ask Jesus to wait.”

Jesus and Our Resolutions


This time of year we might think about developing new healthy habits such exercising more, eating healthy, perhaps getting more sleep, de-stressing and so on. There is nothing wrong with making some resolutions, but do we include Jesus in this process?

It’s funny how we don’t call on Jesus to help us with our physical goals and other needs in times of good health and prosperity the the same way we do when we are experiencing illness, injury, infirmity or other trials. Jesus desires to be part of our lives in difficult times and in good times. 

Jesus, help me to make food choices that are give me strength and vigor to serve you and others. Jesus, guide to me to some like-minded Christians to begin to gain more physical strength with safe and sustainable exercises. Jesus, order my day so that I have to time to rest and recover. Jesus, help me to maintain a habit of praying and and being physically active daily. Jesus, help me to be at peace with my body.

We know from Scripture that Jesus cares about all of our needs and concerns and that includes our physical needs. We see Jesus respond to the physical hunger of the crowd of 5,000. He see him repeatedly pair physical and spiritual healing. He understands that we get tired and hungry, that we grieve, that fasting is difficult, and that we are in need of a balance of activity and rest.


Why are we prone to separating our physical and spiritual lives when we know that body and soul are one—and we know that Jesus cares about, and wants to be part of, every single aspect of our lives?

Unfortunately, we don’t see ourselves, and others, as Jesus sees us. When it comes to the physical, we can be influenced by popular culture which focuses on aesthetics. When we see our face or body in a mirror, do we exclaim with delight because we are temples of the Holy Spirit, his beloved children, made in his image and likeness? Or are we more likely to lament about aging or some aspect of our physical appearance?

What would happen if we gave thanks for the gift of God’s magnificent creation before us in the mirror and asked Jesus to guide us in our quest for a physical life that reflects His love and helps us advance in our unique mission? Can we be childlike and turn to Jesus to guide us in prayer and good works on our way to developing new holy and healthy habits?

Jesus, help us to be gentle with ourselves, to set realistic physical goals, to accept our physical limitations, whether injury, illness and infirmity, and to unite our physical crosses with your cross. Jesus, remove the scales from our eyes so we see our physical appearance as a reflection of you, and your great love for us, rather than succumbing to a cultural view that attributes beauty to worthiness.


Jesus, we give you our temporal concerns because we know that you care about everything we care about and you know what is best for us. We pray to move forward with you, in faith and trust, to humbly address our physical and spiritual challenges, desires and concerns, both big and small in the new year.

How will Jesus respond? I think that’s the exciting part. We don’t know because he works so individually with us. We may even be surprised to find that what we thought was a physical need, like a thirst for a cool drink of water, is actually a thirst for spiritual strength, or in the words of the Samaritan woman, a cry for living water—water that will last.

Jesus, we pray for the courage to entrust you with every aspect of our lives, and to seek you first on our journey to be more holy and healthy.


We see repeatedly in Scripture that people were astonished, amazed and surprised at the teachings of Jesus. 

From Luke 5:26, “Then astonishment seized them all and they glorified God, and, struck with awe, they said, “We have seen incredible things today.” 

They hung on his every word, they followed him wherever he traveled, and they were in awe of his teaching, preaching, healing and forgiveness of sins. Jesus barely had time to eat or sleep, but he prayed to be filled with the Father’s love to continue to minister to the people then—and to you and me now.

Astonishment can be described as a feeling of great surprise, wonder and awe and it defined Christ’s public ministry.


We also see that whenever Jesus astonished the crowd, it angered the Pharisees who wanted to arrest him, yet they were afraid of the reaction of the astonished crowd.

Do we experience astonishment at the words of Jesus? Are we surprised when his words reveal to us exactly what we need to do to respond to a problem or to a person, or to address an area of sin in our lives? Do we give thanks, with a sense of awe, when he heals one of his beloved children physically or spiritually? Is his endless mercy something we reflect on in prayer with wonder and joy?

St. Augustine said, ”In my deepest wound I saw your glory, and it dazzled me."  


I don’t want to miss moments of astonishment, and in fact, I want to meditate on, celebrate and share these moments with others as Jesus calls us to evangelize and encourage each other on our spiritual journey. 

I pray to grow in humility and childlikeness so that moments of wonder and dazzlement change me and make me more like him. We pray for him to pour his grace into us as grace can open the door for us to make real changes in our lives.

Recently, I felt called to go to Confession. I wasn’t sure how to make that happen with a full schedule of family, work and ministry commitments. So I prayed for Jesus to make it possible whenever the time was right.

About a week later, I attended daily Mass at another parish and I was astonished when the pastor announced that the Sacrament of Reconciliation would be offered afterward—as Reconciliation isn’t typically offered after daily Mass at this parish. Jesus led me to that place, at that time, and worked out the details so that I could receive this vital sacrament.

Astonishment can take many forms and I love hearing stories about how Jesus works in peoples’ lives in astonishing ways, both in suffering and in joy, in little ways and in big ways too.

I pray that we cultivate a childlike openness so that we see and appreciate Jesus guiding and protecting us in our everyday affairs. May our hearts be open to an astonishing journey with Jesus.