Showing Up for Jesus

I have a new fitness student who joined our strength classes recently. I was so impressed because she attended four classes her first week, despite soreness, nervousness and having to make some adjustments to her work schedule.

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She is showing up and good things are already happening as she is learning, getting stronger, making new friends and having fun.

This parallels the spiritual life. The most important thing is to show up. Show up for Jesus with open hands and open hearts to allow him to lead us on a spiritual journey. How do we do this? Each of are called individually, but a good way to start is to show up with daily time in prayer. Setting aside silent time to talk and listen to Jesus daily is a way we can get to know him, and through this relationship, we learn how to become more like him.

Showing up for weekly, even daily Mass, frequenting the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and saying yes to a weekly Holy Hour are ways we can show up for Jesus.

My new fitness student is seeking to grow stronger and healthier by showing up for strength classes. As Christians, we are seeking to grow stronger and spiritually healthier— and to do that we need to be faithful to nurturing our spiritual lives.

In both big and small acts of charity, in reading Scripture and good spiritual books, by attending holy events and viewing holy television shows, movies, videos and social media, we are showing up for Jesus.

In January each year, more people than ever join gyms in an effort to get fit and lose weight. By March, the tide has dwindled and I always wonder why people don’t stick with it. Perhaps they didn’t find something they enjoyed or it didn’t fit into their work and family schedule. Often motivation wanes and exercise just isn’t a priority anymore.

The same can happen in our spiritual lives. There are times of dryness, perhaps physical or emotional issues that make praying difficult or it feels fruitless. Maybe we are lonely or bored or too tired or time-pressed to pray. Do we give up as well?

Like my new fitness student, we can choose to stick to the schedule. We can show up. Let it unfold. Give it time and trust in the process. We might not feel it or feel like doing it, but it’s on the daily schedule to pray so we do it. We can call on Jesus, Mary, our guardian angel, the saints and our holy earthy friends for help and support in times where we feel like pulling away from a spiritual life. We might need the structure of a weekly prayer or bible study group. Maybe a spiritual director or a holy friend can offer us direction and encouragement, but we have to be humble and ask for help.

My fitness student has me to encourage, teach and help her be accountable to the strength classes. In the spiritual life, we have Jesus who is our strength and our guide, and all the helps of the Catholic Church are available to us when we show up in spite of our earthy circumstances. We are called to cooperate with God’s grace which he constantly pours out to help us; thank goodness we aren’t alone on this spiritual journey!

St. Augustine said, “Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.” May we all keep showing up for Jesus, despite the challenges and struggles, and put our trust in him.